More and more people are taking their dogs along on family vacations. It is easier now because of the many great travel products, pet friendly places, and accommodations. Here are some tips for comfortable, safe, and fun family travel.
About a month before departure, you will want to take your dog to the veterinarian for a check-up, and to obtain a health certificate and copy of current rabies vaccination, both of which you will need for the trip.
Bullet and Chief on the way to the vet
If you are traveling by car, map out a plan that includes rest stops, parks, fire hydrants, restaurants (with outdoor seating), and pet friendly hotels. Be sure to make hotel reservations in advance.
Adar is mapping out a plan for the family trip
Pack smart. Remember to bring: Carrier, bedding, food, treats, bowls, first aid kit, collar with ID tag, leash, grooming supplies, health records, cooler, medications, tooth brush, dog's photo, insect repellent, suns screen, water, toys, and pick-up bags
Missie packs smart and travels with style
Dogs can experience motion sickness just like humans. The Humane Society of the United States offers these tips: Take along ice cubes, which are easier on your pet than large amounts of water; Keep feeding to a minimum by providing a light meal two to three hours before you leave (if traveling by car), or four to six hour before departure if traveling by air; Allow small amounts of water periodically in the hours before the trip.
Adorable Biewer pups Kodo Milo, Finn, Mischa Rose, and Suki Rose prefer to travel by air
Secure your pooch in a crate, carrier, or harness that attaches to a seat belt. In addition, avoid letting your dog hang his/her head outside of the car window, as it may result in serious eye and ear injuries.
Fasten your seat belt Rita
For information on travel by plane, train, bus, and boat, check out AKC Canine Travel Tips.
Kirby enjoys boating on the St. Croix
Travel in style. Your dog will be the talk of town and country when traveling with America's Top Dog Model's signature luggage tag. For comprehensive information on traveling with your dog check out Top Tips for Traveling with Your Dog in my column "The Dog Spot."
Arf! Arf! (Bon voyage)