It’s that time of the year when people make New Year’s resolutions. This year why not make resolutions that benefit both you and you pup. Four-legged family members may benefit from many of the same goals as people, such as regular exercise and learning something new. This is a fantastic opportunity to work as a team!

Following are some ideas for New Year's resolutions for both people and their canine companions.

GET MORE EXERCISE: More exercise is always a great goal. Incorporate playtime in your routine for you and your dog. Take longer walks or try a new activity!

QUALITY TIME: Bemore aware of the actual time you’re spending with your dog and maybe even set aside some time just to cuddle and play with your fur baby.

TEACH YOUE DOG A NEW TRICK: Dogs like to learn new things, and it is never too late. So, give them a challenge by teaching them awesome new tricks to impress you (and your friends). Grab some treats and start practicing. Your pup will be the talk of your next party.

THROW A PARTY: Invite your friends with dogs over for a party! Whether it’s your dog’s birthday or another occasion, set a date and start making plans. Check out Diva Dogs: A Style Guide to Living the Fabulous Life for 15 fabulous doggie parties that include people!

TRY DOGA: A dog-friendly yoga session is great for stretching and, most importantly, bonding. Doga brings us back to more simple things and doing downward dog with your best friend by your side has to be on every dog-lover’s bucket list.

GET A HEALTH CHECKUP: Your doctor, and your pet's veterinarian, are your best resources for keeping your whole family healthy and happy.

GET INSTA-FAMOUS: Now that your pups have new-found skills and of course is the MOST adorable, consider creating an Instagram profile just for them! And we’ll be sure to follow them from our Instagram account.

HELP THOSE LESS FORTUNATE: Not all dogs are as lucky as yours. There are dogs that do not have regular meals, veterinary care, someone who loves them and will play with them, or a forever home. Donate funds, supplies, volunteer at a local animal shelter, and participate in community adoption days. There are people with dogs that need help as well. Volunteer to drive dogs of the elderly and disabled to appointments for medical care, or become a volunteer dog walker for them—you’ll get the exercise benefits too.